Official web site coming soon.TM
These cards are unequivocally unacceptable in Unmander – Andy Hull, Sean Tabares, and Phil DeLuca unanimously agree:
Better Than One
Defective Detective
Sacrifice Play
Side Quest
Squirrel Dealer
Cramped Bunker
Gimme Five
Handy Dandy Clone Machine
Hazmat Suit (Used)
It That Gets Left Hanging
Skull Saucer
Hammerfest Boomtacular
Knight of the Widget
Rumors of My Death…
S.N.E.A.K. Dispatcher
Blurry Beeble
Chivalrous Chevalier
Infinity Elemental
Old-Fashioned Vampire
Rules Lawyer
Spike, Tournament Grinder
Other cards are uncertainly unacceptable, bearing more unvestigation.
Updated 8/11/2018.