Monthly Archives: May 2015

GP Las Vegas Bounding!

No, I’m not going to dress like a slot machine.

Nate and I are on the way to GP Vegas. He’s flying down from San Francisco, I am driving over from Los Angeles. Yes, we’re a multi-city podcast/gaming group.

Sean, in the meantime, is anchoring from home in sunny England (hey, we’re multi-continental, too). Does that mean we’re not podcasting this week?


Nate and I will record at the Command Zone-hosted podcast party on Thursday. We’re also going to record ourselves throughout the weekend, and Skype with Sean whenever we can. The audio quality won’t be superb, but the content will be a blast!

If you see us, come up and introduce yourself. We’d like nothing more, and maybe we’ll get some cards in.

E001 – Dragonlord Silumgar – Commanderin MTG Podcast

In this episode, we introduce ourselves and talk about commanderin’ with Dragonlord Silumgar, and also talk about the powerful card Bribery. Bribery is about as close to staple blue as you can get in Commander/EDH. We also talk about the horror of losing expensive cards in a basement flood. (Please visit the Command Zone, while you’re at it.)

Our Dragonlord Silumgar decks:
Sean, Thieving Cockney Bastard – DeckStats
Nate, Crimelord Silumgar – DeckStats
Phil, Dragonlord Stinky, Murderer – DeckStats

Our web site is:

We’re on YouTube!

You can find us on Twitter:

The podcast – @commanderinmtg
Phil – @ketjak
Sean – @copain26
Nate – @misterplorg

Our email: [email protected]

Our theme song was created for the podcast by Nate Burgess.

Our logo was created for the podcast by Mr Picto, with assistance from Kelle DeLuca. You can find more art from Mr Picto by going to

Special thanks to tech wizzes Jessie Thomson and Graham Frank, and to Justin for the server space.

© Copyright 2015 Commanderin’ MTG Podcast