Monthly Archives: September 2015

E017 – Battle for Zendikar in Commander – Commanderin’ MTG Podcast

BFZ-Full-LogoThis episode we see how Battle for Zendikar will come Commanderin’, so pull up a log next to the camp fire and listen along.

Eldrazi Scion!Check out these fine custom Scion tokens! Print them out and play with them at pre-release.

Aligned Hedron Network
Bane of Bala Ged
Beastcaller Savant
Blight Herder
Endless One
Fathom Feeder
From Beyond
Kiora, Master of the Depths
Mortuary Mire
Omnath, Locus of Rage
Quarantine Field
Smothering Abomination
Sire of Stagnation
Touch of the Void
Ugin’s Insight
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
Vampiric Rites
Void Winnower

Charles Stross is a fiction author who writes about British civil servants fighting against the Cthulhu Mythos. Read more about Charles Stross here.

The Cthulhu Mythos was created by H.P. Lovecraft. If you like Eldrazi, and haven’t read Lovecraft, what the heck are you still doing here? go here now.

Our web site is:

We’re on YouTube!

You can find us on Twitter:

The podcast – @commanderinmtg
Phil – @ketjak
Sean – @copain26
Nate – @misterplorg

Our email: [email protected]

Our theme song was created for the podcast by Nate Burgess.

Our logo was created for the podcast by Mr Picto, with assistance from Kelle DeLuca. You can find more art from Mr Picto by going to

Special thanks to tech wizzes Jessie Thomson and Graham Frank, and to Justin for the server space.

© Copyright 2015 Commanderin’ MTG Podcast

E016 – Jimmy Wong & Monored Commanders – Commanderin’ MTG Podcast

What an episode! Jimmy “the Red” Wong comes Commanderin’! Jimmy talks about being an entertainer, including in the hit series Video Game High School and The Command Zone podcast! We are happy to count Jimmy & Josh among our “friends of the show.”


You can find the Command Zone here. If you listen to… TWO podcasts a week, the Command Zone should be one of them!

You can find Video Game High School on the web and on Amazon. It’s a fun show even if you don’t have/aren’t a kid, and seeing Jimmy is a kick unto itself.

Jimmy has a wonderful YouTube channel on which you can see his response to Alexandra Wallace (find the link yourself, it’s fun to look through Jimmy’s collection).

Kiki-Jimmy would want you to visit Jimmy’s… cooking show?!? This guy doesn’t stop.

Jason Alt’s Zada, Hedron Grinder brew article. We talk about it, Jason is a funny guy, so go read it and start thinking about all these yummy Battle for Zendikommander cards.

Our web site is:

We’re on YouTube!

You can find us on Twitter:

The podcast – @commanderinmtg
Phil – @ketjak
Sean – @copain26
Nate – @misterplorg

Our email: [email protected]

Our theme song was created for the podcast by Nate Burgess.

Our logo was created for the podcast by Mr Picto, with assistance from Kelle DeLuca. You can find more art from Mr Picto by going to

Special thanks to tech wizzes Jessie Thomson and Graham Frank, and to Justin for the server space.

© Copyright 2015 Commanderin’ MTG Podcast

E015 – Value Green – Commanderin’ MTG Podcast

Visit Morgan R Lewis at Deviant Art time, we go commanderin’ in green! Yes, we tackle value green cards… and a whole lot more. We talk about green cards that provide value and are all under $10 as of recording.

There’s a special interview on YouTube!

Here’s our Zombro Token, Nigel!
Large PNG

Visit Mr. Picto for more fun art and comics. (explicit tag!)
Mr. Picto’s comic Dinosaw is somewhere in there.
Mr. Picto’s tentacle sculptures show he was ready for Battle for Zendikar! Buy one for your lover now! (Lovers apparently like tentacles. Don’t ask.)

We Recommend These MTG Podcasts This Episode
Command Zone
Drive To Work
Commander’s Brew
Magic the Amateuring (explicit warning)
Brainstorm Brewery (explicit warning) (sorry, uncontrollable laughter made the audio unusable)

Not Really Podcasts but We Recommend Them Anyway
Tolarian Community College
The Mana Source
Taps For Pink Mana

Non-MTG Podcast Recommendation Remember to send them fan mail telling them about Sean Whatson, who will positively truffle his mumpet if he gets to be a guest there.

Fathom Feeder (we called it Scavenger of the Depths)
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger

Green Cards
Cultivate; Kodama’s Reach
Sakura Tribe Elder; Yavimaya Elder
Frontier Siege
Acidic Slime; Reclamation Sage
Rampaging Baloths
Thunderfoot Baloth
Eternal Witness

Strange Mana Dorks for Big Creatures
Somberwald Sage
Krosan Drover

Land Shenanigans
Oran-Rief, the Vastwood (not technically green, but goes in green decks)
Hermit Druid
Krosan Tusker
Market Festival
Garruk Wildspeaker

Creature Buffs
Nylea, God of the Hunt
Beastmaster Ascension
Melira, Sylvok Outcast

Creature Casting Shenanigans
Pattern of Rebirth
Primordial Sage
Descendants’ Path

Cool Creatures
Spike Weaver
Hornet Queen

Don’t Forget
Krosan Grip!

Our web site is:

We’re on YouTube!

You can find us on Twitter:

The podcast – @commanderinmtg
Phil – @ketjak
Sean – @copain26
Nate – @misterplorg

Our email: [email protected]

Our theme song was created for the podcast by Nate Burgess.

Our logo was created for the podcast by Mr Picto, with assistance from Kelle DeLuca. You can find more art from Mr Picto by going to

Special thanks to tech wizzes Jessie Thomson and Graham Frank, and to Justin for the server space.

© Copyright 2015 Commanderin’ MTG Podcast

E014 – The Professor – Commanderin’ MTG Podcast

TheProfessor-FILEFOOTAGEThe Professor from the Tolarian Community College comes commanderin’! We feature a special Watch List, and we discover what Hogwarts House he belongs to and which Doctor Who is his favorite. We talk a little Commander, too. He leaves us with a special memory that is to be experienced, not described.

Tell us in the comments which Commander embodies each of these Houses:


Which Ravnican Guild would the Professor be part of? Listen!

What does the Professor think about community deck-building resources? Listen!

How does the Professor feel about the Commander pre-cons? Come on, stop asking and listen!

Find the Professor on Twitter and YouTube! His videos are EXCELLENT guides to what’s worth using to protect your cards.

Our web site is:

We’re on YouTube!

You can find us on Twitter:

The podcast – @commanderinmtg
Phil – @ketjak
Sean – @copain26
Nate – @misterplorg

Our email: [email protected]

Our theme song was created for the podcast by Nate Burgess.

Our logo was created for the podcast by Mr Picto, with assistance from Kelle DeLuca. You can find more art from Mr Picto by going to

Special thanks to tech wizzes Jessie Thomson and Graham Frank, and to Justin for the server space.

© Copyright 2015 Commanderin’ MTG Podcast