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Rules Committee member Sheldon Menery comes commanderin’ to talk about the recent changes to the ban list (Protean Hulk is now playable, Leovold is consigned to Hell).
Sheldon is @sheldonmenery on Twitter!
His articles at Star City Games are at: http://www.starcitygames.com/tags/SheldonMenery
Sean’s got a GoFundMe – help him get to Vegas! https://www.gofundme.com/gp-las-vegas-commanderin-tour
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The podcast is @commanderinmtg – https://twitter.com/CommanderinMTG
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Sean is @copain26 – https://twitter.com/Copain26
Nate is @misterplorg – https://twitter.com/MisterPlorg
Our email: [email protected]
Our Skype address is: commanderin.mtg.podcast
Our theme song was created for the podcast by Nate Burgess.
Our logo was created for the podcast by Mr Picto, with assistance from Kelle DeLuca. You can find more art from Mr Picto by going to http://mrpicto.co.uk/
Special thanks to tech wizzes Jessie Thomson and Graham Frank, and to Justin for the server space.
© Copyright 2017 Tiny Shiny Squid, Inc.
Will you guys be addressing the changes o the Commander on MTGO?
The fact that there is a different ban List? implications on people starting the format, the creation of a totally different meta game, and how can this affect, if at all the paper meta (expectation being different if you come from digital to paper, and vice versa?
Hi Pedro, We are so far behind that I think we’ve already addressed it. if not, we will be talking with The Stybs soon and will address it then.
I don’t think you can really consider an argument for Gifts Ungiven without comparing it to Intuition. Is one more card to hand worth the difference in legality ? Apparently so.
Had I been arguing the case it would have begun and ended with “Almost anything broken Gifts could do, Intuition can do also – so why make this effect only available as a $30+ Reserved List card?”
I can immediately see the difference. I can think of tons of four card combinations in which any two chosen will go infinite. That’s what gifts ungiven allows. At least with intuition you have to either fork the spell or have the other half on field or in hand. Much less strong.